I'm working hard to make this blog much reliable and smooth so you can easy learn Guitar chords and notes of differnet songs. I'm working hard on the Request songs to reply them all as soon as possible.
Soon i will introducing the Paino Notes on this blog for Paino lover and may be aslo for the flute notes.
If any one is interested in this intruements can make this blog as him/her favourate.
Service's that i provide in this blog are follows
I. If any one need easier chords for any songs which are posted in the blog anyone can request me.
II.If any one need chords or tabs for any song which are not in the blog so you can make a request.
III.If any one want to learn Guitar over the internet i there for you to teach you the basic of the guitar interested peoples can contact me at my email.
IV.If any one interested in Learning scales can contact me.
It's really appreciated if you "Donate Me" so i will enjoy more providing you services.If your interested for donation can contact me.
P.S Now no more updates of songs in this blog occur till up tos 31-May due to my examination. Only requested songs may be posted but no other lastest or old songs should be posted.
Till upto my exam's i need the opionons of the vister's so i will make further improvement in my blog.
Regards Samy
II.If any one need chords or tabs for any song which are not in the blog so you can make a request.
III.If any one want to learn Guitar over the internet i there for you to teach you the basic of the guitar interested peoples can contact me at my email.
IV.If any one interested in Learning scales can contact me.
It's really appreciated if you "Donate Me" so i will enjoy more providing you services.If your interested for donation can contact me.
P.S Now no more updates of songs in this blog occur till up tos 31-May due to my examination. Only requested songs may be posted but no other lastest or old songs should be posted.
Till upto my exam's i need the opionons of the vister's so i will make further improvement in my blog.
Regards Samy